Finals week post 2: Kicks and Giggles
Thank you, Gandalf, for those words of wisdom. However, before you all get back to studying, give your brain a break and have a laugh with me. The pictures below have, throughout the semester, given me cause to giggle, marvel, or simply shake my head in disbelief.
Check it out: I got a window sheet. Unfortunately this was truly all I had for privacy my first week or so back at school for the fall...
Somehow I don't think this is what your bros are thinking of when they talk about a stripper in a cake.
Just in case you need to make guacamole for an army:
Glad this wasn't my car some Tuesday/Thursday morning at 8AM as I was trying to leave for Skipping Stone...
Sugar cereal cemented with sugar glue: Just what the doctor ordered for Taz!!!
Of all the problems I could have, this one seems like a good one.
Peace, love and Bridezilla,
Miss Rex
That post-it-note car was something you actually saw? How cool! A neat prank!! :)
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