A pirate's life for me

All right, dear readers. I know you are all forward-minded fashionistas, so I feel it is my duty to bring this exquisite design to your attention.

It was designed by my friend the Hippie and it's eligible to win ten grand, at which point you'll be able to sport this epic yet elegant pirate on your bosom for something in the vicinity of $20. But you gotta give it your love! Cast your vote in the next 24 hours!

By the way, in case you ever wondered what the Hippie looks like, the answer is, he looks like this pirate. Yeah, he's pretty much Johnny Depp and stuff.

Peace, love and 1.5 martinis,
Miss Rex


K A B L O O E Y said...

Arghh. Sorry I seem to have missed the voting, but I did try. This design is really cool, and he does indeed look like quite a cute pirate.

Amandasaurus said...

I'm choosing to take that as a personal compliment, since I've been told that I look like this kid.... XD

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