Excavations of Claymore: Feel'n Nutty

Frankly I was feel'n a lil nutty even before drinking this thing, and the coffee sure didn't chill me out.

Feel'n Nutty featured hazelnut, almond and a lil vanilla. Form was not specified: is it a latte? a steamer? ....an exotic chai blend? We weren't sure, but hazelnut implies coffee to me, so I asked for a latte - my usual one-shot large with skim. For the record, this is soon to become a one-shot large with soy. My reasons are another topic for another day. Maybe I'm just a lil nutty....

"It smells like Christmas cookies because of the almond," said Mnomanoms. "And it tastes like Werther's Originals!"

Feel'n Nutty was pretty good. I'd give it 3/5 stars, which is what I give songs on my iTunes when I like them but I don't want them on my Top Rated playlist. Like the scrap of paper bearing its name, the beverage was somewhat forgettable, though in a neutral rather than a negative way.

I can say that it was a harbinger of a surprising truth:

I like hazelnut!

I kept thinking my taste buds were forgiving the hazelnut through, like, substitutionary atonement by the other flavors. I felt this way about Nutella and Ferrero Rocher candies, too. It never occurred to me that maybe I just like the flavor of hazelnut.

"You're coming along quite nicely," said The Addict with an evil grimace. Actually, the grimace might have been related to her opinion of Feel'n Nutty. She frowned and tried to wipe the taste off her tongue with her lips. "Too sweet," she concluded.

Mnomanoms agreed with The Addict on that point: Feel'n Nutty is only good if you want something sweet.


Anonymous said...

i love hazelnut!

and i don't blame you for wanting it with soy...soy is SO much better...i don't care if you care about animals or whatnot...milk...like regular milk from cows is DISGUSTING...

shoot, now i'm craving my normal breakfast of Honey Bunches with soy... i should go home and get some.

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