
A couple of poems I neglected to post when I wrote them.

1: A Cento, which is a conglomerate of lines from other works - poems, novels, movies, anything you can think of to quote is fair game in a cento. See if you can identify the quotes! =D

“Cento on Writing”

The person lives
in this world, in this uncanny
house with the ones and zeros.
We always have been caged.
Writers live
in their imagination with
the falling sky; we are lost
in the Technicolor on the Everglow.

When you write, let the world slip.
Be the axe for the frozen sea within.
The heartless ghost alone’s unhurt, so burn,
like fabulous yellow does on blue.
Tame the stars, riders (or fools).
Make a wish or just take charge.

I dreamt I found a fair of wonders
under the skysigns,
upon the sighful branches of my mind.
Sunsets and silhouette dreams:
There is nothing as lucky,
as easy, as free.
O duty! Shaken by your beauty,
We’re awakening.

In our dreams we can be complete,
but I have miles to go before I sleep.

2. Ekphrasis - a response to another piece of art, such as a painting or sculpture. This one is in response to Zingarelli's Host and Hunger exhibit.


There is a posture for
receiving, and they have mastered it – or
it has mastered them, stepped
on their patient fingers, made them slaves.
It has damned them to turn
the millstone, but not
a profit.

the stone. Grind the
stone. Grind the stone.

Oh, that the sky would rain
manna upon gargoyles, warped by want,
and their twisted, gaping maws!

There is a technique for seeing without
perceiving, and
we are professionals.
Want is an impatient hackney-carriage driver
and he never arrives –

only drives,
only drives, only

Oh, that the sky would rain re-
straint upon gargoyles, warped by want,
and our twisted, gaping hearts; that some
one would hear
the swelling scream and the waxing
plea for more


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