The All American Rejects released their new album, "When the World Comes Down," TODAY, and I'm so obsessed with the single that I'm having a really hard time not buying the whole dang album RIGHT NOW. But Christmas is coming. Take note! This is on my list.
I have to write a press release for tomorrow morning. I always promise myself I won't wait until it's down to the wire. But I've just been blundering, zombie-like, through this past week of not-nearly-as-stressful-as-everyone-else's-finals. And speaking of zombies.... I pre-ordered Isaac Marion's new book, Warm Bodies, today, and you should too!
Anyway, so here I am, the night before the final press release is due, and how much of it have I written? Not a word. Not even a "Media Contact" at the top of the page. Nada. But I have like ten pages of notes from other students and professors about the crucial nature of core philosophy classes, and I think I just found the focus of my piece: they're getting rid of the old core philosophy options, antiquity and modernity, and replacing them with a single, 4-credit core philosophy class. Score!
I wish I could go home tomorrow morning after my pancake final. I need to be elsewhere. I think that's why I'm sleeping so much (and I just tried to spell that "sleaping...." Yeah, it's time for a break.)
P.S. I just got this word verification thing:
Preggy yog, anyone? I hope this isn't prophetic.... o_O
11:15: Finally buckled down and finished the press release after watching the fire fighters do their stuff outside. Apparently some kids think it's festive to burn furniture on the quad. No comment. I think it's festive to be done with work, which I nearly am. All I have left to do is a self-critique/reflection for my poetry class. I dunno if I've got another 2-4 pages in me, though. Bring on the bull....
It's snowing! Yaysnowdance! *(>^_^)> <(^_^)> <(^_^<)*
~ A snowflake on your cheek would make this Christmas so beautiful. ~
you can do it! I believe in you:)
I desperately need to read warm bodies. Isaac cannot be convinced to print any more copies. Lend it to me, sell it to me, tell me where I can find a copy, anything. Since you have read it you must understand how I am feeling. I'm begging you, name your price.
I certainly don't intend to sell it, but I understand the desperation. If you live anywhere near Boston you can borrow it.... lol
If not, I think the best plan of action is to find a publisher and demand that they pick it up and print more copies for the masses to devour!!!
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